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I don't ever want to go through an election like that again.

Through all the health fears, the court orders, back and forth, the lack of polling places, even rain and hail (!) people came out to vote last week, and mailed in ballots in record numbers. Against the odds, and despite all they did to suppress our votes, we prevailed. Not every candidate we supported won, but plenty did. Of the 15 candidates we formally endorsed, 11 won. Of the 10 additional candidates we recommended, 8 won. That is an extremely good first outing! Because you voted, we will have Jill Karofsky on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, who has met the community and who we can trust, for the next 10 years. Because you voted, Lisa Neubauer will retain her seat on the Court of Appeals, instead of being replaced by someone far less qualified. Because you voted, friends of the Muslim community like JoCasta Zamarippa, Scott Spiker, Fred Klimetz, and Kathryn Wilson will be representing you. Some of these races were extremely close. Ryan Clancy became a new alderman in Milwaukee by 48 votes out of thousands. JoCasta's margin was about 100 votes. Others were within a few hundred votes. The Muslim community absolutely made a difference. It's unfortunate that some other friends of the community did not win, but they will continue to serve in other capacities. I am sure we will see them again, and can continue to count on them. Chris Larson will continue to be a Senator who cares about the Muslim community, and David Crowley will do everything he can to make Milwaukee County strong and welcoming. Thank you for voting, Thank you for all your enthusiasm and for not letting the voter suppression tactics work. But if for some reason your right to vote was taken from you, please consider filling out this form so we can track and respond to these outrageous issues. Voter Stories 2020 Our ability to meet in person will be curtailed for some time still, so I will be organizing some online meetings soon. I miss you! Onward, Kristin Hansen Executive Director

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